5 posts tagged raw

Raw carrot cake

With Stockholm experiencing some unseasonably warm weather, it felt like the perfect time to make a raw dish. And seeing as how it's been awhile since I've made a dessert, I thought I'd treat you to some raw carrot cake! While carrots (and many other vegetables) are available to most of us year round, I still think of this time of year as harvest time - especially for small, backyard gardeners. There are certainly a whole lot of things you can do with carrots, but I think you'll agree ... Continue Reading

Raw rice paper wraps and satay sauce

It's summertime, and the livin' is easy. But it's also pretty warm out there, so whadaya say about another delicious, no cooking, raw treat? There's a whole lot of people out there these days using rice paper wrappers to make "bacon", but I'm going to keep it old school for now and use these wrappers for what they were intended for  - wrapping! No, no, no, I don't mean "Yo yo yo," I mean wrapping veggies. Rice paper, which you soak in water until it's soft, can be a little tricky to ... Continue Reading

Almost raw walnut burgers

Summertime is burger time, but just because you don't eat meat, doesn't mean you can't enjoy a delicious burger! These almost raw walnut burgers are also awesome on rainy summer days, because instead of throwing them on the grill, you slow cook them in the oven. I would have simply called them "raw", but after having tried them a few times, I prefer a slightly firmer texture, with a little bit more color on them. So, instead of cooking them at 118 °F /49 °C, I cheat and turn up the ... Continue Reading

Raw brownies with frosting

For now, this is the last of my recipes featuring avocados. Avocados? These are brownies?! I'll forgive you if you are confused, but stick with me! One of the many fantastic things with vegan and raw cooking is all the cool, new ways you learn to use different foods and ingredients. My previous brownie recipe had black beans in them, and this one has avocado in the frosting! You read right - avocado frosting! So yet again, this is a great recipe that you can make for people and ask them ... Continue Reading

XXX raw bars

Did you end up here after Googling for XXX? Come on, be honest now. Ok, so maybe this is food porn, but what I was trying to say was "3x raw bars", or "triple raw bars", or "I made 3 different raw bars" - but those titles weren't nearly as fun! When I was deciding on what kinds of raw bars to make, images of those 3-flavored containers of ice cream came flashing into my mind. You know the ones, with one brown, one white and one pink stripe - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. While I ... Continue Reading