3 posts tagged peanuts

Vegan Flying Jacob

It's been a while since I shared a planticized version of any classic Swedish dishes, and I thought it was about time to do it again. So buckle your seatbelts and hold onto your hats, because here comes some culinary craziness, called Flying Jacob! I've been trying to figure out just how Ove Jacobsson, the man credited with creating this casserole, decided upon the ingredients you see in the photo above. (Note: Ove wasn't veggie so he used chicken and bacon - two ingredients that we, ... Continue Reading

Raw rice paper wraps and satay sauce

It's summertime, and the livin' is easy. But it's also pretty warm out there, so whadaya say about another delicious, no cooking, raw treat? There's a whole lot of people out there these days using rice paper wrappers to make "bacon", but I'm going to keep it old school for now and use these wrappers for what they were intended for  - wrapping! No, no, no, I don't mean "Yo yo yo," I mean wrapping veggies. Rice paper, which you soak in water until it's soft, can be a little tricky to ... Continue Reading

I used to be nuts, but now I’m butter.

When I first got my super blender, I could have the best time just finding stuff to throw in there and blending it to smithereens! Ok, truth is, that's still all it takes to amuse me. Really. It's that easy. So this isn't a recipe - it's just me having fun. One day soon I'm going to write a little US / Metric measurement cheat sheet and add it to the resources page, but today 's simple lesson is this: 454 grams = 1 pound. See, you learn something new every day! I've seen different ... Continue Reading