3 posts tagged asparagus

Port-a-gus in a blanket

I've been wanting to bake something "in a blanket" for a while now, but as usual, I'm not quick to make up my mind. In the end, I couldn't settle on just one thing, so it ended up being some smoked portabello and some asparagus sautéed in garlic - hence the very catchy name Port-a-gus in a blanket! Normally, people expect "pigs" in their blankets, but the only place cute little piglets should be is chillin' with their mom. So instead, I decided on my favorite new bacon-like treat: ... Continue Reading

Asparagus risotto with roasted peppers

It's not even the middle of May yet, and I think Stockholm might have had it's warmest day of the year yesterday! I just couldn't bring myself to cook anything when it was 80 F (27 C) outside, so I enjoyed some nice, cool, vegan sushi instead! Today I set my alarm to get up nice and early and made this delicious spring risotto, with asparagus and roasted peppers, before the sun started beating down on us again! Even though that bright ole sun seems to think it's summer already, I won't ... Continue Reading

Cauliflower beet patties

Some of my recent recipes have contained different types of vegan cheeses, and things like seitan, and were created to mimic more traditional dishes. This time around I thought I'd avoid all that kind of stuff and make something different. This colorful dish would make the perfect plant-based Easter main course - but can be enjoyed any time at all! If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I recently mentioned my ongoing attempt to appreciate beets (or beetroot as some of you might ... Continue Reading