Swedish-style hash browns with pea stoemp and kelp caviar
I guess I should start by welcoming the coming of Spring! While Sweden is quite a bit darker than the rest of the world for half of the year, we are now entering a period where it gets quite a bit lighter - so bring on the sun I say!
Ok, so what's cookin'? Well this time round I made some Swedish style hash browns and topped them with a bunch of exciting things. Swedes have quite a few ways of cooking very similar potato dishes: potatisbullar, rösti and råraka to name a few. They all ...
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The perfect vegan omelette
Wow - I can't believe how long I've been away!?!? But I'm back! :)
I started this blog almost exactly one year ago. After having worked for 10 years (just writing that freaks me out - TEN YEARS!) at a job that I never found truly satisfying, the smallish Swedish company I worked for was acquired by an American mega-company, and together with the vast majority of my colleagues - I was laid off. I decided there and then, that I wanted to work with something I loved, deeply believed in and ...
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Swedish Saffron Buns (Lyxiga Lussebullar)
On December 13th, just less than a week away, Swedes celebrate Saint Lucia Day. And before we get into all the why's and how's, let's just take a minute to look at that saffron bun above, shall we? Luxurious, vegan, saffron buns, filled with goodness and almond paste. That's what I'm talking about!
Ok, so you wanna know what Saint Lucia Day is, right? Well, every year on the 13th of December, all of Sweden gets up verrrry early. Some will dress up and sing, and some will listen and be ...
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Cheezy Potato Casserole w/ vegan Cream of Celery Soup
It's not easy being green (but I guess it is easier than being Kermit.) But if you're vegan, and trying to save the planet, well, you just have to soup-it-up when you want to make some of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes! So here comes a vegan version of the classic Cheesy Potato Casserole, including an awesome recipe for vegan cream of celery soup!
If you aren't vegan or American, you might not know what I'm talking about, haha, but I think most of us grew up watching Sesame Street and ...
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Vegan cream of mushroom soup
I know what you're thinking: How exciting, cream of mushroom soup!!! Yum! Oh, and I know you thought that in your sarcastic voice. But there is a very important method to my madness - so stay with me here. Thanksgiving is quickly creeping up on us and one thing that should be on the table is a green bean casserole. And if you've ever made the classic French's Green Bean Casserole before, you'll know what the first ingredient is - Cream of Mushroom soup!
If you haven't already found out, ...
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Pumpkin Stout Muffins
I'm going for a record here - three recipes in a row using some kind of beer! I'm not really sure where this is going - will I become the vegan-friendly beer chef? Haha. One thing is for sure, if you are a vegan, and you bake these incredible Pumpkin Stout Muffins, there will soon be a whole lot of vegan-friendly people inviting themselves over to your place for dessert!
My middle brother (you know, the troublemaker of the family) used to work for a beer importer who imported British and ...
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Vegan Calamari
You guys still in the autumn spirit out there? I sure hope so! We've done pumpkins, we've done apples, and now here comes.... Vegan calamari!!! And do you know why they are related to the fall season? Well, because they are made from mushrooms! The absolutely fabulous King Oyster Mushrooms to be more precise!
Yes indeed, these are the same incredible mushrooms that I used to make my vegan scallops with. If you read that post, then you'll remember that these bad boys have a texture and ...
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App-ale Pie
When October rolls into town, pumpkins seem to get all the attention. Even I'm guilty of going pumpkin crazy. However, let's not forget apples! And what about Oktoberfest and beer? Or, how about we go crazy and cook some apples in some beer and make an App-ale Pie!?
Apples have been one of my favorite fruits ever since I was a kid, especially those lovely green Granny Smith apples! I just love that tartness. I was thinking about using a mix of apples for this pie, when I came across ...
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Vegan Cheese Pumpkin
October has always been one of my favorite months of the year. Fall is in full swing, the trees are full of fantastic colors and the vegan cheese pumpkins are getting fat on the vine! What's that? You aren't growing any cheese pumpkins? Well, I guess I'll have to tell you how to make one instead!
Pumpkins are a whole lot of fun to grow, but let's face it - they take up a lot of space! Making your own vegan cheese pumpkin is MUCH more fun, it's a lot smaller, and you are sure to impr...
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Chickpea and macaroni stew
Since I used a good amount of aquafaba in my chocolate mud cake, I needed to find something to do with the actual chickpeas! Haha. And wouldn't you know that the very same day I found some old, handwritten recipes in my mom's handwriting, for a chickpea stew with tomatoes and elbow macaroni - and it was vegan?!?!
"Elbow macaroni, Garbanzo bean and Tomato stew" she called it - not the world's catchiest name, mom, if you're reading from up there. (By the way, chickpeas are one of those ...
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